今天给各位分享天下足球 罗纳尔多的知识,其中也会对天下足球 罗纳尔多 yellow进行解释,如果能碰巧解决你现在面临的问题,别忘了关注本站!
Oh I was perfect for the circus 攻苦既同汉落If he dared me I'd do it L查修万尔ove makes you stupid I'd give it up, but I guess it was not e获虽波情相程坚织翻措nough Cause he never seemed satisfied
[CHORUS害孙体般] I know I'm n善当鲁激量田济觉稳守ot perfect But at the end of the da来自y, who is? He wanted someone this perfect When love came, but can you tell me who is? He said before Just above the stars A rocket couldn't reach it But I still kept on reaching He watched me at least a thousand times If he lo360问答ved me, he'd stop me, but no
[CHOR众安操烧US] I saw my future in his eyes So wrong, so wrong Guess I was destined for ruining my life Cause he didn't break me down, he made me strong
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