Chelsea to face Mexican team on West Coast (Ticker)Updated: 2007-05-25 08:40Chelsea will play Mexican giants Club
来自America in the first game of their preseason tour to the West Coast of the United States, the club announced Thursday. The FA Cup win360问答ners will use the game, to be played on Saturday, July 14, a识带础难胜神难食天绝t Stanford University's new 50,000-seat stadium in northern California, as a warm-up for the World Series of 任永Football t律告草ournament in Los Angeles the following week when they will play Korean side Suwon Bluewings and David Beckham and the Los Angeles Galaxy. The tour will be
局那划并兴该the fourth consecutive preseason visit to the U.S. Jose Mourinho's squad will again train at UCLA before heading to the Bay Area to t些兰轮想尼永银车手ake on Club America for the inaugural Disney Friendship Cup. In a statement, Mourinho promised more new faces in his squad for the U.S. tour. "Club America is playing at a very high level right now and the match will be a true test for our team as we begin preparation for the new season," Mourinho said. "Th装油e match will be a good chance for the fans to see our cur际于约送级只rent squad along with new additions to our team as they make their Chelsea debut." Chelsea business affairs director Paul Smith, who was in California to announce the Disney-sponsored match, outlined the commercial thinking behind the choice of venue and opponen顺井我差t. "It's part of our development of corporate alliances in the U.
改收S.," Smith said. "The real objective is to have the right number of gam
觉es for Jose 振and the te明am while we're in the States. We already had 几顺感石做木操lined up two games in a new tourna历心送停搞易ment. "We're starting with (Galaxy owners) AEG in LA in July and Jose wanted to have a third game. So we developed
眼希代酒衣井态this project into 十依素续树银that as a warm-up game for the tournament and we selected to play Club America because of the demogr烈盾做迅卫派脸色aphic make-up of this part of California." Smith added that Chelsea is committed to visiting the USA in alternate years following this summer's tour and said the club wou观尼立粒代利发识ld take the World Series tournament format to New York in 2009, involving the New York Red Bulls, and then to Chicago in 2011 alongside the local MLS side Chicago Fire.
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